DNAguss: Consistent numerical design of cast components along the process chain
The aim of MAGMA in this R&D project is the state-of-the-art integration of the casting process simulation into the virtual process chain for the numerical design of cast components.
For this integration, the connection between the CAE technologies used in construction and shape optimization and the casting process simulation on the one hand, the casting process simulation and the CAE technologies used for component evaluation and design on the other hand, and finally the casting process simulation and the non-destructive testing methods used in casting testing should be improved.
The knowledge gained from the planned "DNAguss" project will enable the state-of-the-art integration of the casting process simulation into the virtual process chain for the numerical design of cast components in order to ultimately create a digital twin of the casting manufacturing process that is integrated into the entire virtual process chain realize.
German foundries of large castings, in particular castings for wind energy and their customers, are enabled to make their production and quality assurance processes more efficient, more energy-saving and more economical. In this way, the foundries can hold their own against international competition, which is achieved not least through the increased scope of testing and evaluation options for the purchaser of the cast components. In particular, the work in the field of non-destructive testing for the detection of casting defects and the work of MAGMA on casting simulation ensure that the project results are implemented directly in practice.
Key facts of the project:
Project duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022
Project Management: Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit and Systemzuverlässigkeit (LBF) in Darmstadt
Consortium: Fraunhofer-Institute LBF (Darmstadt), IKTS (Dresden), Univerity Ansbach
Associated: INTES (Stuttgart), MATPLUS (Wuppertal), BMB (Heilbronn), MAGNA (St. Valentin, Österreich), HEGER (Enkenbach-Alsenborn) and Meuselwitz
Project promoter: DNAguss is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, via the Project Management Organisation Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, under the funding code 03EE3018C.