Four core fields – geo, materials, energy, and environment – give the oldest existing mining science university in the world a unique and unmistakable profile as the university of resources. Established in 1765, TU Bergakademie Freiberg brings scientists and students from all research areas to work together in these four areas. Allied with industry partners, TU Bergakademie Freiberg ranks amongst the ten strongest research universities in Germany, due to third-party funding per professor, and occupies the top position in the new federal states.

Chair of the Foundry institute is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Eigenfeld. The numerous research projects at the institute are carried out with the participation of both the casting industry and industry suppliers. Current projects include the investigation of  molding processes, involving research into shortening cycle times, the integration of numerical simulation for the quantification of processes in the manufacturing of cast components, and the use of  innovative casting technologies in the foundry.

Current work in the field of innovative materials development include: new and promising aluminum and magnesium alloys, cast iron materials, and composite materials. This work recognizes the significance of industry’s demand for lightweight materials. These current research activities are in line with the long-term research strategy of the Foundry Institute.

Teaching and research at the Foundry Institute at TU Bergakademie Freiberg have been supported by MAGMA based on a lengthy partnership. MAGMASOFT® workstations are available so that the students in the field of product engineering can learn the essentials of casting process simulation.