Los siguientes ejemplos demuestran de qué manera nuestros clientes usan con éxito MAGMASOFT® con el fin de obtener una mejor calidad en la fundición, ahorrar costos y reducir tiempos de desarrollo.

MAGMASOFT® as a Management Tool Focus on Profitability and Quality

Hoy en día, la simulación del proceso de fundición ofrece un banco de pruebas virtual para ... Leer más

Reoxidation Inclusions in a Stainless Steel Investment Casting

Reoxidation inclusions form in steels & stainless steels during mold filling as the metal comes ... Leer más

Mold-Filling Defects in Gray and Ductile Iron

In cast iron production, dross formation, gas defects, and oxide films are all heavily ... Leer más

Quality up, Costs down

Cold-chamber die casting is the preferred process for high volume production of light alloy ... Leer más

Riser Redesign to Feed Wheel Hub

Metalurgica Frum was trying to develop a wheel hub for several months without success. ... Leer más

Cold Laps in Cast Iron

DANA Spicer has used MAGMASOFT® to develop unconventional gating systems for ductile iron ... Leer más

Fly Wheel Casting Simulation

Large cast iron castings require a high degree of attention in designing the layout, due to the ... Leer más

Solving Hard Drive Housing Problems

A medium-sized Japanese foundry located south of Kuala Lumpur in West Malaysia specializes in ... Leer más